General Strike 2020

Wednesday, June 24th

No working on that day and on any day after until we see change.

(8808 signups the last hour)

We are done.

Donewith police that maim and kill people in the street without remorse.

Donewith a system of government that protects property over people.

Donewith an administration who cares about its own interests only.

We, the people, are the ones who give this nation its power, and we're demonstrating that.

Theycan deploy all the military they want.

Theycannot force you to be silent.

Theycannot force you to spend money.

Theycannot force you to work.

We can bring the economy to a halt, on our own terms.

Starting June 24th, call in sick, use your PTO, tell your boss you're unavailble, or quit.
Tell your boss, tell your co-workers, its over. We don't work until this stops.

A Better World Is Possible

What do we want?

What do I do?

Share with your co-workers, your family, your friends.
We are all in this together and we win as a group.

Prepare to be able to help yourself and to help others. A general strike doesn't mean sitting around all day. It means working to prepare meals, help with protests, write your representatives, planting trees, reading theory. We need to get as many people on-board as possible and we need to be able to help each other when needed.

Can this work?

YES!We are a country of skilled capable workers and we need to keep working to keep the machines of the economy running. If we stop, it all stops.
If your enemy does respond to reason, to not behave reasonably. If your enemy does not have a conscious, do not appeal to their sense of morality. If the people in power care about money, commerce. Then lets make sure they have no commerce and their money is useless.

Further Reading